Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a cost to using the Coupa system?

No the system is Free of Charge for all suppliers.

Can PO’s be emailed to more than one email address?

Using the CSP (Coupa Supplier Portal) you can have as many set up as you like because this is controlled by you. If you choose SAN (Supplier Actionable Notification) it can only go to one email address.

If I have any questions when using system who can help?

Please contact

Can Coupa integrate with my invoicing system?

Not if you are using CSP or SAN. It can be integrated using CXML however this is only feasible for large volume transactional suppliers.

What happens in a case of part shipment/ items to follow at a later date?

Use same purchase order and invoice quantity against purchase order as each element of the order is dispatched.

Data protection - who has access to the information we are inputting?

The data is for our use only, no other supplier can view any information.

I only raise 1 or 2 invoices per year so which is the best method for me to use?

CSP provides full history of purchase orders/ invoices therefore this is always the best option to choose.

Can I still get e-mail notifications if I choose CSP?

Yes you can set up as many people as you like all because settings on the CSP are determined by you.

Can I still provide a copy of our invoice/ excel report using these methods?

Yes once the electronic invoice is generated you can still attached your pdf invoice to the electronic invoice before submitting if you wish. In fact at any point in time if we wish we may request a PDF copy your invoices for HMRC inspections requirements.

When will the system be live?

Our planned go live date is the 1st November 2017. However please note not all suppliers may be live by that date. We will potentially be phasing suppliers onto the system.

I only provide you with Pro-Forma invoices so how will the system work for me?

The process is the same and you will receive a purchase order which is then flipped to create an invoice and submitted into Coupa.

Can invoice be issued above PO value?

Yes they can but they will fail being processed and results in significant delay in your payments.

Please note any continued mis-use of the invoice portal may result in your account being suspended and could lead to possible closure of your account with our company.